If you have any experience with Quicksilver and use Eclipse then you’ll love the Quick Access feature (ctrl+3) new to Europa. Thanks to my colleague Jon for pointing this out some time ago.
EJB 3, Glassfish, and Eclipse
I’ve been reading this book: Beginning EJB 3 Application Development: From Novice to Professional (Beginning: from Novice to Professional) which uses Glassfish as it’s primary JEE application server.
Here’s a quick setup tutorial for using Glassfish with Eclipse and developing EJB3:
If you’re using Jboss, here’s a recommended starter project for eclipse:
Subversion Help – Books, Plugins, and Hosting
Subversion is the defacto open source source version control system these days and a great improvement over cvs. It’s also a steal at the ripe price of free.
Great (and also free) documentation is available here: Version Control with Subversion.
You can also buy the hardcopy from Amazon.
Red5: open source Flash server
Red5 is an Open Source Flash Server written in Java. Here’s a collection of links into the Red5 site:
Is Spring the new Java EE?
There’s a great article over at the server side about Spring as the new Java EE.
I favored Spring and Hibernate over the more widely sanctioned Struts and EJB combo a long time ago. It’s always nice to see I’m not the only one embracing change and the article covers nicely similar transitions in the Java conference space.